
Our Training Services

Provide Training Services With Our Tools

Our firm is dedicated to helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements and mitigate risks effectively. With a team of seasoned experts, we offer a wide range of tailored services to address your organization’s specific needs

Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

We conduct thorough assessments to identify gaps and areas for improvement in your compliance training programs.

Training Manuals

Our experts develop comprehensive training manuals that serve as valuable resources for participants, providing detailed guidance on compliance requirements and best practices.

Customized Training Syllabi

Our team creates customized training syllabi tailored to your organization’s unique requirements and regulatory obligations.

Creating Training Decks and Modules

We develop dynamic and interactive training materials, including decks and modules, to ensure optimal engagement and retention among participants.

Comprehensive Training Plans

We design comprehensive training plans that outline the objectives, timelines, and delivery methods for each training program.

Practical Application

We emphasize practical application and real-world scenarios to ensure that participants can apply their knowledge effectively in their day-to-day roles.

Regulatory Compliance Training

Our training programs cover a wide range of regulatory compliance topics, including anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CTF), anti-bribery and corruption (ABC), sanctions compliance, and more.

Ongoing Support

Our team provides ongoing support and guidance to help organizations implement and maintain effective compliance training programs.

At Irth Advisors, we are committed to empowering your team with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate today’s regulatory environment confidently. Let us be your partner in achieving compliance excellence and mitigating financial crime risks.